Parish Plan Comments

Comments in questionnaire order only

02Neighbours unfriendly ….we have had enough. We are trying to get out of here…..
02They do speed in the Green. Wagons & buses & heavy lorries turning. Why not have bumps in the road like Leigh Park
02More disabled bungalows
02Wish there was an ATM in the village instead of walking up to garage near the Harvester.  
Very glad to have the Post Office back in the village.
02It’s good for young children and older ones. But should have more security lighting in the Recreation Ground. More youth clubs with more facilities
02We are glad to have the post office in the Hardware shop as it is handy and easy. Many old people didn’t like having to go further a field and were not happy having to travel.
02More paths for disabled people.   One way system around the Green. Give way to buses – stop parking cars near Dear Leap House where buses go as they could be an accident waiting to happen. Stop people parking in front of the Castle Stores where lorries unload
02People should park their cars at the railway station & make more spaces for it. So that keeps it off the Green. Also to stop people parking near the Stores & Café where people are trying to cross
02…….We love our house but wish it was bigger. And love the Village, it is just the people in it can be nice and some not. The building of more houses & more traffic it won’t be a village any more. It will be a town….
06The ‘Rubbish’ industry is a disgrace
06But its our fault
06A museum! So at least you know who I am. Sorry I lied about my age.
07There is so much traffic in the village I would think it would be difficult to break the speed limit
07A few trees or shrubs on the Green would enhance the Green
07A butcher & green grocer would be appreciated
07All dogs should be on leads
07We have enjoyed living in the area for 23 years. I think most people who live in this area do so because we enjoy and respect it accordingly
0960mph through Finchdean village is unacceptable!! 2 people already killed
09Finchdean has only one lamp post in centre of village
09EHDC & Winchester do not listen i.e. flooding in Finchdean & speed limits! to name a few
09Digging out of ditches & more maintenance i.e. flooding issues
09Flooding in Finchdean Lighting in Finchdean Speed limits in Finchdean
14Caters more for pre-school & under 11’s, also older adults, but little provision in Parish for teenagers to 30 year olds. No clubs geared up to their age group activities
14Main events get well publicised such as Village Fayre and bonfire night, but smaller events such as NSPCC events don’t get publicised unless you happen to know someone organising it.
14Need designated cycle routes and cycle lanes right across the parish and linking with those in adjoining districts/parishes
16Not speed bumps
17Speed, volume of through traffic, heavy vehicles through Woodberry Lane to the Green, a ‘rat’ run now.
17Traffic through the Village is the main problem now! Perhaps a ‘one way’ system is required around the Green. And stop any parking on the Green
18Peace and quiet
19Lorries are a particular problem on Manor Lodge Road, as are speeding drivers.
19Butcher and Fruit/Veg would be good additions.
20Enforcement of existing speed limits
20Cannot comment as no school age children and only lived here for short time.
20I like the village as it is. If too much housing increased I wouldn’t want to live here.
20It would be better if the green bins were for recycling and the black for refuge, but I realise this is due to historical use of these coloured bins, before recycling collection existed. It’s confusing to new people in the area.
20Existing shops are a very good standard, but clearly there is a lot of shop they don’t have.
20I like the shops especially the hardware store and the Cafe. I don’t like Keats. I would like to see a chip shop in the empty shop. I think the amount of shops is just right and in keeping with the village image.
20As a new resident I’m interested to know about what sports sessions are available. E.g. Is there a swimming pool?
20As new residents we are still getting used to what’s going on. Perhaps a new residents pack would be useful.
20As yet I am not aware of who the Cllrs are!
20Possibly museum as long as an existing building is used.
21An advantage perhaps, to control the traffic around the green, installing a one-way traffic system.
21Local waste disposal facilities are excellent at Idsworth Park.
21In particular – regular cutting of hedgerows/verges along the Rowlands Castle to Horndean Road.
21I trust that the intrinsic uniqueness and tranquillity of Rowlands Castle will be sustained in the long term, particularly around the Green and surrounding countryside, and so thereby being no further development in the long term future.
22Is there any way we could make traffic one way round the Village Green? If we could have herringbone parking up to the wall of Deerleap and a one way system it might avoid a serious accident that is waiting to happen.
23The huge lorries going into Keyline can be quite frightening.
23Street lighting is particularly poor at the junction of the United Reform Church and the Village Green.
25There is a need for regular litter picking on the road between RC and Fincdean.
25When the hedgerows are cut ( with a flail ) the debris blocks the road gutters and drains and causes local flooding. This is detrimental to pedestrians and road safety.
25I would much appreciate the installation of a cash machine in the centre of the Village. This would also promote the use of local shops.
25I am sceptical about the effectiveness of  flood prevention measures taken, so far, especially in Finchdean. In fact almost nothing has been done.
26Littering is unacceptable.
26Action to be taken to ensure pavements are cleared of parking, encroaching and overhanging hedges/trees.
27Difficult to comment as only lived in Parish for one year, but don’t want to see many more houses built especially large estates.
27The pavements between the Railway Bridge and Glen Dale are very uneven plus the lighting is poor along this stretch. It is also dark when leaving the Village Hall towards the Green by the Hairdressers.
27Think Lloyds Bank should have a cash dispenser.
29A number of single people now live in the houses too big for them as there is no alternative if you want to stay in the Village.
29The far gate in the Children’s Playground is too easy for Toddlers to push open and run out.
29Main Road on the Green to be two way. Road where Pubs are to be one way.
30School is a dangerous road – speeding Comley Hill needs 30-40mph speed restriction – too many fatalities/accidents..
30Verges on Whichers Gate Road – no footpath. Very dangerous, speeding traffic! All overgrown with brambles down to the bridge.
30Provide a footpath all alone Whichers Gate Road / Comley Hill
30None of the above projects.
30Rowlands Castle starts at Comley Hill, it does not start half way up Whichers Gate Road. Please relocate signs and ensure verges / hedgerows are trimmed. Reduce speed to 30mph. Provide a pavement as far as bridge / bridleway. We have seen and heard too many accidents.
34There are no public toilets in this Village.
34It would be nice to have a Butchers and a Chemist
35Parking restrictions ( 2x yellow lines ) should be enforced.
35Cameras / warnings would be ignored as speed limits already are.
35Infrastructure will not support additional homes.
35Pavements are appalling!
35There used to be many shops but they were not used enough.
35The state of verges can make or break the impression of visitors to the Village.
35Do you mean acquisition of private land for public use? If so, no.
35If building is allowed to continue at the rate of the previous 20years, this will no longer be a Village, but a suburb of Havant. The residents in the conservation area are protected – PROTECT THE REST OF US! Maybe we ARE Numbys but we all came to live here for the open and green spaces.   !STOP NOW!
37The Railway Station is important. Appreciate the golf and tennis club; and the Village Fair, etc. But do also make use of facilities at Horndean.
37Many other places are worse than Rowlands Castle.
37Think RC and outlying areas are well served.
37Think RC is well served already.
37We are lucky to have the facilities that we have.
37V. good except for the pavilion.
37The landscape is already well maintained.
37We are very well served and it would be a mistake to be too ambitious
41I would support traffic ‘pinching’ schemes such as appear in many local villages – e.g. entrances to Selbourne on Bowes Hill above junction with Links Lane and Whichers Gate Road this side of the Railway’ Bridge.
41Litter is unacceptable.
41Cars should not drive over the Green and ruin it.
41Public toilet is non existent.
41In particular the inquiry into the Bowes Hill Flats. Local opinion was totally ignored.
42Illegal parking outside Village Shop makes exiting from Woodbury Lane dangerous.
42There is a great need for small homes or flats for elderly retired persons, accessible to the Village Green.
42Areas of the Village such as between Parish Hall and the Green lack adequate street lighting.
42Stansted Forest is very well managed by the Head Forester.
42If the proposed congestion charge comes into effect, it could have a major impact on the roads through the village as drivers seek ways to avoid charges on major roads.
43Do not have any children.
43Overall housing levels acceptable but include a number of very poor examples of local development.
43Waste disposal only adequate. Insufficiently frequent for summer months. Pointless letters from EHDC on overfilling of bin.
45Preferably a mix – no more than two stories.
45Collection of non-recyclable waste fortnightly only is not sufficient, especially in warm weather. We have our own compost bins and little goes into the green bin, but it still gets very unpleasant after two weeks. Add another considerable health hazard!
49Traffic calming is often counter-productive.
49Major flooding at Woodhouse is dangerous. There should be permanent flood warning signs here, even if nothing else can be done.
49Would like to see some road crossing patrol outside St John’s School.
49Less commercial traffic through the Village would be an improvement.
50Please address the problem of driving on Whichers Gate Road. e.g. speed limits / cameras
50Please address the problem of litter on roads and public footpaths.
51No public toilet.
51Street lighting poor (in my opinion dangerous)
5110/10 for the Hardware Store – well done!
53Lorries on roads in the village is a big problem.
53Brown field sites around the village should only be used for new building.
53More facilities for recycle are needed.
53The village needs a greengrocer.
55Make ‘The Green’ into a one-way system.
57No humps please – dangerous, polluting and damaging.
57Pavements – overgrown, cars parked, cyclists using (not cycle lanes)
57Maintain footpaths that get a lot of use to avoid them becoming impassable in bad weather.
59Lorry weight restriction would be nice, but not practical with Keyline and farm lorries.
59No public toilets in Rowlands Castle or Finchdean.
59Recreation ground good, but spoilt by pavilion.
59Parish Council turn down inappropriate planning applications, only to have them passed by EHDC.
59More “heritage” lamp standards around Rowlands Castle and Finchdean.
59By pass would mean more concrete and is not necessary.
59If a pavilion is built it may be an appropriate place for public toilets, but that would mean more vandals hanging around.
59No “tandem” development to meet the housing directives.
59Put a time limit on parking, or residents of area to have a permit. Commuters leaving cars parked all day would then be discouraged and leave roads clearer.
59Ashcroft Lane Finchdean is unadopted and is a disgrace, in National Park designate. Stopping progress with entering Britain in BLOOM
60Pavements are not very good in the Peak
60Regular litter picking particularly in the Reaction Ground.
63Parking on Redhill Road is a nuisance.
63Monday collection is the worst day of the working week for me, and it hasn’t changed in 6 years.
63Post office is essential!
63Would like to see a Bowling Green in the recreation ground.
64Very satisfied with the Village Green and the shops, and they are most important.
64The lorries in Redhill Road are too big for the road size.
64Access to the village can be difficult; more housing exacerbates the problem.
64Local opinion is totally over-ridden by Local Government
64Very dissatisfied with the late publication of proposals for building applications and sites.
64A ‘catering’ type dishwasher in the Parish Hall would make washing-up better, especially for the lunch club.
64RC is a great place to live. There are so many caring people and so many activities going on.
64A provision of retirement property would free up housing that is under occupied. There are a lot of widowed people in the Parish
64Removal of Travis Perkins to a more suitable site would ease traffic and release more land for housing if this is mandatory.
67Castle Road is being used more and more by traffic cutting through to Chichester via Woodberry lane.
68Street lighting is too bring and shines upwards.
69Conversions ok – e.g. barns, farm buildings, old industrial buildings.
69More recycling facilities, e.g. clothes, textiles, books, etc.
73Should let people play on the Green.
73‘Grasscell’ type paving to the edge of Finchdean Road opposite the Castle.
73Need places of employment or Village will die. Unless people are employed in the Village, shops, PO,  etc will have to close.
74None of the Crimes and Anti-social behaviour concern us.
75Waste bins in Village always overflowing – looks terrible.
75The post office was a great loss. It’s not the same in the Hardware Shop, and I don’t use it as often.
77A toilet would be good, but do understand the problems it could create.
77I do think the allowing of the building of flats – against the Villagers wishes – in Bowes Hill is a great pity. What a site a complete eyesore. Hopefully it won’t open the flood gates for more.
78Sort out the traffic problems.
78Stop developers building inappropriate houses.
78Keep the Railway Station open.
78Excellent medical, veterinary, garage and shopping facilities.
82Extending public drinking licences has caused a deterioration to the Green and access road traffic and pedestrian discipline. If the reservoir is approved the Parish Council must maximise the benefits of improved bypass roads or veto the planning application.  Parish residents must see benefits.
82Children should not be playing in the road. Car parking  (see page 12) Traffic volume and vehicle size is a major problem for the village and must be reduced.
82Local computer adult education.
82Housing infilling has been acceptable. Major development (greater than 5) is unacceptable. Housing must mirror existing. Housing structure across village should be maintained without focus on any specific group mentioned above.
82Surgery atmosphere could be more friendly.  Attention to follow up is poor.  Reactive surgery, no investigation.  Web site (surgery) is excellent. Traffic is damaging edges of Green and verges. Car parking on pavement is unacceptable. Litter/broken glass/general fouling is unacceptable but tolerated. Car park and Toilet must be provided on urgent basis.  Suggest corner of Stansted Park opposite Castle under compulsory purchase if necessary. Confusion of green and black bins must be rectified.
82Given transportation to major shopping facilities, then Parish shopping is good.
82No toilet at the Recreation Ground. Changing facilities poor/inadequate. Cricket/football pitches have excessive slope. Integrate pavilion and Parish Hall into one new 21st century building.
82Of approximately 40 village groups less than 5 adequately communicate within the village.
82750 villagers objected to the Oaklands reserve site, but were completely ignored, with excuses only being provided. Individual builders run rough shod over local planning decisions at planning level. EHDC planners should be biased to local wishes and not County and Government .
82Homes need better government grant aid to install renewal energy sources. In a similar manner to dog fouling, horse fouling must be the responsibility of the rider. In addition to verges, the Green must be regularly maintained. Householders must be required to regularly cut hedges which obstruct the pavement.
82New combined pavilion and Parish Hall building. Additional land will be required.
82The Parish Council must find ways to encourage greater participation in the running of the Parish, particularly younger persons on the Parish Council. Local action groups or committees should be encouraged and send members to the Parish Council. Parish Council might consider publishing a monthly newsletter, rather than meeting minutes on the notice board. If there is minimal comment forthcoming in this survey, a follow-up survey should be planned.  Complacency is not an option if the village is to be maintained as it is.
83No children therefore no knowledge or opinion on the above.
83Please could we start the kerbside glass recycling collections as soon as possible?
84The B1249 (respondent means B2149 ) 30mph limit is an accident waiting to happen, with lorries in particular being big offenders. In 16 years I’ve never seen any Police action.
84Educate children at school (and adults ) on litter. My front lawn is often littered with plastic bottles wrappers etc, and this continues down to the shops. More litter bins ?
84Can’t image where a by pass would go unless it invades green belt.
85Not sufficiently aware of current provision to comment in 17.
86More protection of the Green from traffic, suggest concrete posts spaced on edge.
86The position of the street lights on the Green, do light the Green and roadway, but do little to light the pavement or verges.
86More building protection required against property development on the Dearleap estate and surrounding grounds in order to maintain the Village central view and prevent any increase to present busy traffic flow.
87I would guess that 70% of all vehicles are driving at well over 40mph along Kings Manor Rd. (believe respondent means Manor Lodge Road ). Reduce speed to 30mph + install one of these pressure speed signs which light up “SLOW DOWN” – they are V effective.
87Don’t know what already exists.
87The Village is a great place to live. Good sense of community, more than adequate shopping, good range of pubs / eating places plus the golf course which is probably the main asset – as a sporting venue, social centre and environmental haven for wild life and flora. The green keeper recently won an award for having done the most of all clubs in S. England to promote a natural environment.
87In short the Village has a great mix of social and sporting facilities + an extremely pleasant environment in which to live. Big downside – speed of cars on Manor Lodge Road + parking problems in Village centre. (Suppose we could use Robin Hood car park – where the public toilet is – during the day.
89I like living in RC and I don’t want to see a lot of changes!
90Cycle facilities, especially in Durrants Road are inadequate.
90Maintenance of hedge cutting alongside footways. e.g. top of Redhill Road + Durrants Road.
92Cars parked around the Green obstruct two way traffic in and out of the Village. There are a number of blind spots. Why not make the Green a one way system.
92Would like to see more effort to keep the pavements clean, as well as properly maintained.
92Would welcome a by-law banning bonfires.
92Residential property should not be allowed to become a builder’s yard. For over twelve months we have suffered the unsightly mess at the corner of Bowes Hill and Wellsworth Lane.
93This questionnaire is an excellent idea. Let us hope it is acted upon.
100It can be difficult finding a parking space when visiting bank, shops etc around Village Green.
100Expensive re-development of Wellsworth Lane has 1.  spoilt its unique rural appearance, 2. the houses have  not sold yet.
100The so called flats development has ended up as an environmental night mare with a half demolished house. When will this eyesore be developed properly?
100Cycling on narrow public footpaths is a concern.
100Noise, e.g. fireworks for around three weeks at Bonfire Night and New Year. This is very distressing for pets and must also distress birds, wildlife, etc.
100Dogs not kept on leads is a concern.
100Where is there a public toilet in the Village?
100The Village Green is lovely – too many parked cars spoil it rather.
100Satisfied with the local councils but central government does not listen to residents needs and feelings. i.e. Bowes Hill / Wellsworth Lane flat development.
100A band stand on the Village Green would be wonderful.
101Weight restriction required on Castle Road.
102Something should be done about fly tipping and dumping of vehicles. Rubbish and cars are not quickly removed and as a result regularly set on fire at the top of White Hill.
103Keyline transport and delivery lorries are damaging roads and environment and a danger to pedestrians and local traffic. This needs priority action.
104Redhill Road is very busy especially when walking my children to school.
104I think the available education facilities are adequate.
104Housing is always needed but the village would be lost with more.
104The GP Surgery is excellent.
104Would prefer weekly rubbish collections. Fortnightly recycling collections are adequate.
104This is a small village so no more retail services & facilities are needed – it would ruin Rowlands Castle.
104I think the Village is very well maintained.
104Traffic around the Village Green can get congested at times. What about a one-way system just around the green?!?
105Many trees and hedges on Bowes Hill hang over the pavements. There are also thorny spikes which are dangerous in the dark, and if you have to step into the road. People must be aware that their bushes are a nuisance. Why don’t they cut them?
109Review of car parking throughout the Village, but especially Redhill Road and around the Green.
109Car parking on the Redhill Road and around the Green represents a major hazard for all road users. It is only a matter of time before a serious accident occurs in these areas.
109Despite the traffic, RC still manages to retain its own atmosphere of friendliness and attractive scenery.
112The train station is most important for long distance travel.
112Public bus, special bus or coach, taxi, bicycle, motor-cycle, walking, not used or wanted.
112Train is very important
112There are very few lorries.
112More public cat parking to prevent congestion on Redhill Road and the Green.
112Worst times are parents on school run period, and evening return from work time.
112Children at play signs – a bit facile; all residential areas have these.
112Speeding warning a good idea.
112Why do we have yellow lines on station approach?
112Why is nothing done about pavement parking and parking on corner by Castle Stores.
112Need brighter / more street lights.
112Pavements are rendered useless by people parking on them. This must be stopped.
112Design of street lighting contributes to light pollution as well as giving too little light where needed.
112The previous “Village Design” has been totally ignored outside the Village, and was a waste of time.
112Very dissatisfied that local opinion is sufficiently considered and problem lies nationally, and with unelected SEERA which should be abolished.
112Would like to pay tribute to the tireless and great contribution Eunice Byrom has made over decades to maintaining Village environment and fighting our causes.
112I suspect this Parish Plan will be an equally ineffective and costly exercise.
112Dog fouling on footpaths immediately around Village is offensive, e.g. Wellsworth Lane area footpaths, the Sling, etc.
112Village museum seems a daft idea. Good one in Havant covers a lot of RC.
112When new housing has to be built can existing hedgerows bounding the site be maintained.
112Part of the character of Wellsworth Lane is its narrow winding design. This is fine and causes no problem 90% of the time as long as people are patent and cooperative. Would resist any widening / straightening proposals. This is a Village not the suburbs.
112PLEASE do something to stop parking at corner by Castle Stores on yellow lines and enforce 2hr parking on Green. Can commuters use Rec Car Park – little used in the day.
112Some of the criticism about the building merchants’ lorries on the Green is unfounded possibly. There was heavy industry (brickworks) on this site long before many local houses were built. There are very few of those. There are more delivering to Village shops.
114Traffic congestion is of concern.
117Where flats are built – there must be provision of a decent qty of car parking on site.
117More glass collections needed.
117A bakery or deli would be a nice addition.
117RCA website needs updating regularly if it is to be of any use.
117New flats on Bowes Hill planning approval / consent was a complete shambles.
118We have to walk our kids along a death trap of a road, which has no pavement, no lighting and speeding carsSort it out before someone dies!!
118We come under Chichester District Council!! Why
119No housing which puts pressure on the Village centre.
122No real view on education. Kids grown up + facilities not used.
122Fortnightly collection of ordinary household rubbish is completely inadequate.
122But would be very poor without access to Morrisons Supermarket – which is technically just outside the Parish.
123I am thinking of trying to start a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, as my previous Finchdean Road address was address a NWS. How-ever (& rather depressingly) residents were all too frequently informed of break-ins and thefts by our liaison lady / resident. Approx 2/3 per annum.
123When the time came to move not for one moment did I consider leaving the Village. As an (very healthy, still supply teaching ) ageing member of the community three things were important to me; easy access to surgery; cash; shop. Thinking of the future you see.
123Finchdean Road was a nightmare. Blind spot (bend) near 115 – paddock and no footpath on house side; driveways hidden from ‘foreign drivers’. Redhill ‘courtesy’ culture not understood by all.
123Holiday play scheme should be instigated, supported, run by the people most concerned with the children. As a teacher child minded during the holidays my 2 grandchildren for 14 years along with 2 other local grandparents. We loved every moment of it. My Son and Daughter–in-Law helped out at gymnastics & Beavers etc. (Cosham).
1232nd and 3rd generation Rowlands castle people should be able to live here if they choose. However too much infilling. Gardens should be greenfield sites not brownfield sites.
123Not many people know where the public toilet is.
123Local opinion is overruled by higher powers-that-be and it will get worse. Especially now that the new Planning Report has been published.
123Apparently they’ve done the flood protection all wrong at Finchdean.
123Why not more about the Surgery? As a Village full of old people and children (hooray) I would have thought it was one of the big pluses in our lives. Fortunately I have never really had to test it but as someone who believes in preventative medicine, I’d give John Harrison et al 10/10.
123I understand that a one-way system around the Green is logistically / financially a no no.
124I believe it important that the Village life we enjoy be passed down unchanged to those who come after us. The size of the Village, its environs and character must be preserved at all costs.
124Roads and pavements in the Village generally are not in good condition.
124The Village should optimise the opportunity of more retail outlets.
124I believe the Parish Hall should be sold to developers for the erection of low cost starter homes. With the proceeds there should be a first class two storey community centre / pavilion in the recreation ground.
124Suggest the RCA magazine should have a Births, Deaths and Marriages column.
124The official line is to build the maximum number of dwellings on a green site (Houses in large gardens are now being taken over for the erection of blocks of flats). This should never be permitted, since contrary to good planning considerations (inappropriate or unsuitable developments in relation to its surrounds). This is not understood by Local Government Planners.
124See previous comment about demolition of Parish Hall in favour of affordable housing.
124Important that RC be included in National Park as a cycling and walking centre.
124I believe as a Village we should stage more events on the Village Green.
124Twinning with a village in France and holding a ‘French’ fair annually ( as is done in Emsworth ) would be one such event.
124The  ‘Tour de France’ cycle event brought large crowds to the Green a few years ago.
125Waste disposal facilities are inadequate for hazardous waste e.g. batteries.
125Planning permission is being granted for garden infilling and house replacement by flats which will eventually destroy the current village ambiance.
126Too old to know about provision for children.
126The chief problem in the Village is the amount of traffic. Otherwise I should like the Village to remain as it is but I am an old woman.
127It is most important that we have easy access to London, Portsmouth, Chichester, Brighton and Southampton. Also to the local shops and surgery.
128Could anything be done to stop car thieves coming through the Village. I live in Dean Lane End and have lived here for one year. In that time I have seen 4 burnt out cars in the area close to my house. Also I have had people around my house in the middle of the night who were trying to steal my car. It would be nice not to have to worry about it happening again because I’m sometimes in the house on my own.
129Local waste disposal will be reasonable when glass collection starts.
130Essential that the Post Office is maintained.
130For those without cars, an improved bus service is essential.
130The Doctor’s surgery is much appreciated.
131Not enough dog pooper scooper bins. Asked for one in the area of lower Bowes Hill early 2006. Still no sign of one!
131Parking not enough. Often cars park on double yellow lines / pavement / block residents drives when football matches / tournaments are on.
132Rowlands Copse needs a lot of work such as trimming of overgrown trees.
133There are too many accidents on Whichers Gate Road.  Cars use this road as a race course which is dangerous for them and for those cycling/walking.  Other villages ie Hambledon have much more reduction to speeding.  Why not our village.
133The school provides excellent clubs.
133The One Stop needs to be open longer, ideally to 9pm, and it would be used more.
133Tennis activity should be available for everyone.
133Concerned re how much of the Thicket we will lose for the planned reservoir.
133From the hard work done by the St Johns school campaign of parents to reduce speed of traffic on the three major roads in our village, Manor Lodge, Whichers and Durrants.  I am appalled to find that Marge Harvey tried to accept responsibility for efforts of others which is not good for everyone especially an elected councillor!
135We need more litter bins and more “doggy” waste bins and they need to be emptied more often especially in the Summer!
136Better coverage of Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
136Bowling Green Gravel paths in open land around village
137Butchers/fishmongers/decent bakery/decent greengrocers!
140I think it is vital to preserve the core facilities in the village as our village way of life is very precious and must be looked after!
140Cash Machine at Lloyds or in the village centre would be useful. A delicatessen, fixed or mobile would be good.
140Cricket outfield is very rough and could do with some work on it after football finishes.
141Do not know because moved in village after child left university
141Could do with a butcher and chemist.
142Bowes and Links – 20mph painted on road Castle – weight restriction and calming Redhill below Castle and Green – 20mph Green – wider road for single parking
143Enforcement of the speed limit!  Most of the other measures are a waste of time.
143With regard to ‘local government’ and “governance” subjects enclosed such as ‘litter collection’ and “motoring offences”. There do appear already to be laws relating to those but they are not enforced.  Needs to happen!
144Definitely not traffic calming.
144Weekly collections needed.  All rubbish.
144Pavilion desperately needs updating.
144Back to more sympathetic farming methods to encourage wildlife
144Definitely no reservoir
145Q15:  not ‘humps’ in the road or red tarmac.  Parked cars do cause traffic to slow down, but that’s not ideal or consistent. Q13:  The road from Castle Road to Horndean is very busy.  I have seen more people recently walking along it which is dangerous – could a path/track (for cycles too) be made in the wooded area which runs along beside the road?
145Certain things are cheaper out of the Parish.
145It depends on who is organising the event.
145Not sure we need a NEW pavilion – why not update the existing one
145I would like to see safe cycle routes around and out of the parish/village to encourage more people to cycle and be safe. Also a path with a few seats around the edge of the recreation ground would be good.
145My parents
146The rural environment with such good facilities is very important but the village community is such a benefit to the village.
147Could definitely do with a chemist of some description in the village.  Possibly a Gift Shop, etc.
147Bring back the good old road, or more so, the path sweeper, especially in the autumn when all the leaves are about and become slippery and dangerous. Stop lorries and cars parking on grass verges.
147Make Woodberry Lane and Castle Road a restricted weight and size of lorries road.  ALSO SIZE OF LORRIES GOING UP TO KEYLINES.
147The Village should not expand anymore, as it will cease to be “A VILLAGE”. NO HOUSES TO BE BUILT IN THE GROUNDS OF “THE DEERLEAP”.
148Suggest: Abolish bus stop 100 yards or so from bus shelter. Wider spaces between parking places Parking for cars only – no lorries, van, trailers Parking for one hour only – (no return within 2 hours as now) Redhill itself needs “organising” Links Lane – Blind corner opposite Golf Clubhouse – could someone talk sense to the owner of the hedge which blocks the view?
148We miss the mobile butcher.
148More T.P.O’s – banning of felling of mature indigenous tree species except for safety reasons. Cutting back overhanging bushes. Gutter clearance more regularly.
148Upgrading and maintenance of bridleway to Whichers Gate from Village Green. Bowes Hill – provision of footpath on northern side, (eliminating encroaching holly hedge), between Uplands Road and Station approach.
148On page 19 reference is made to “bypass road to west of village”.  We could probably be in favour if we could know the approximate route.  Would it cater for traffic via Dean Lane End? (It might open up more land for the developers to ruin.)
151I would not like to see an increase in unsightly road signs, which are usually ignored anyway.
152Urgent – Car parking needs to be addressed.  Car parking in Redhill Road and The Green (Shops to Redhill Road) must be solved to stop congestion.  The Green could be solved by moving footpath to new position alongside of Deerleap wall, and widen road where present footpath is to provide parking.  With suitable landscaping this could be attractive.   Redhill – this is a bigger problem.  Is it possible to provide access to rear of properties for vehicles to be parked in rear gardens?  This has been a problem for a long time but nothing appears to be done. Traffic calming – an excuse for not doing much to tackle the problem. Please do not erect useless signs which cannot be enforced.  Any measures taken must be vigorously enforced. I refer to yellow lines (No Parking) near the shops and garage.  This does not stop parking and there appears no measures to enforce it.
152Q17.  Any extra provision should not be a burden on the Council Tax.
152Q29.  Expenditure on this item is excessive for the amount of use.  I rarely see anyone making use of this facility.
152I feel there is a lot of wasted talk and expenses regarding Planning matters.  I refer to the recent application and Public Inquiry re Bowes Hill site where the EHDC put up a pitiful show.  It was obvious the developer had followed Government guidelines and the outcome was a formality.  This is going to cost us (Council taxpayers) an enormous sum in compensation.  The Parish has little or no influence.
152Improve the maintenance to roads and footpaths including sweeping (dead leaves etc).  Overgrown hedges alongside of footpaths causing obstruction and possible injury.  Some hedges cover 1/to ½  of width of footpaths.  Who should be enforcing this and why has this not been done?
152In considering any improvements, the main consideration must be the expense and its effect on Council Tax.  Consideration should be considered on how to reduce this tax to being it down to acceptable levels. Priorities should be to benefit the majority not schemes to benefit small groups ie Pavilions and Recreation – Child minding etc.
154It would be a good idea to employ someone, say once a week, on litter patrol.  Havant seems to have such people. It occurs to me that most litter, drunken behaviour and vandalism occurs by people using the Fountain Inn.  Recent examples are the vandalism of road signs in Redhill Road.  Perhaps the Fountain should be knocked down and flats built instead.
155Perhaps making a one-way system around The Green, taking a metre off The Green all around to make it easier for lorries to pass parked cars without going on The Green and damaging it.
156Little for teenagers to do in Rowlands Castle.
156It’s a nice place to live, but has the danger of becoming too expensive for all but rich commuters and the wealthy retired.
158Q12.  But it doesn’t matter as good parking facilities would alter the village dynamics and attract more cars. The main road that goes to Horndean, few vehicles heed the 40mph and then 30mph limits after the national speed limit.
158Q22.  Is there one? (Public toilet) Q23. Unaware of them in village (Waste disposal facilities)
158I didn’t realise there were so many halls in the village – total of 4.
158I know Southern Water created the plains around Staunton Park but they have become a haven for skylarks and pipits, and will be destroyed for them if ever a reservoir is made.  What a shame that will be.
160Lorry weight restrictions in Woodberry Lane.
163Kitchen scrap recycling would be good.
163Would like a greengrocer and butcher in village.
163The local implementation reflects local opinion, but this appears to be overturned by those higher up the chain.
163Enter Britain in Bloom
163More cycle paths – particularly I would like a cycle path linking Rowlands Castle to Horndean.
163The village would benefit from more frequent bus/train services.  I am put off using public transport as it seems irregular and unreliable. Buses with a low suspension for ease of access for pushchairs and elderly.
164Q9.       Access to St John’s Church. Bus transport Shop and Post Office
164Lorries shake our house and concerned that may endanger children going up hill to school.
164Great place to live overall – please don’t let it become a dormer/commuter village. Hope old Post Office site becomes another commercial/retail rather than residential outlet. Churches integral to life of community. So do RCA and village shops. Only concern is the lorries that thunder through the village to Keyline
166Parking is clearly a major problem and requires urgent attention.  An area within Stansted adjacent to the Castle would solve the problem and have negligible impact on Stansted.
167The biggest danger spot is turning left out of Woodberry Lane when delivery and 4x4s park, not only on the double yellow lines, but overlap the Give Way white line.
1672 bed flats or warden homes needed, thus using less space and allowing down sizing, therefore reducing the number of large houses being built.
167Pavements –  Woodberry Lane along by the wall – very difficult with a pushchair as it is two levels, and not very wide.
167Q25.  The shops we have are good.
167More regular cutting of verges, only in the main residential areas – not along farm land roads. Hedgerows so far as visibility is a factor for motorists.
167Car parking – yes, but not an easy answer – The Green is untouchable!!  Could a metre off the Redhill Roadside give town lines of traffic enough room to pass – thus giving all the passing places to parking places. Maybe 20mph would help.
167Through traffic could be a problem if satellite control takes off in 5 years’ time.
168How about a Welcome Club for new residents?
168Could be better, especially for newcomers.
168We will only get a new bypass if it is funded by the development of a reservoir.
168Could a revamped Parish Hall with modest parking be accessed from Redhill Road, across land currently owned by the Golf Club?
169We do agree with all above except having humps as they are bad news for your car.
169There are no starter homes or newly wed rents for the young newly weds in the village, especially for children who have grown up here and want to stay.
169The Village Green in Rowlands gets the best treatment, but all of Finchdean is neglected by the Parish Council and trying to get any help from them is a waste of time.  They give Finchdean poor service for all the 22 years here!  We pay the same council tax and don’t get the same services.
169We would like to see help from the parish to sort out the state of the road surface in Ashcroft Lane in Finchdean.  It is a danger to the elderly residents and visitors to the Church in the lane.  We feel that the Parish never considers Finchdean in their plans, and all this questionnaire is about Rowlands Castle.
171Particularly Bowes Hill, Manor Lodge Road and Whichers Gate Road.
171Q16.  A primary school of any sort is important.
171Q18 & 19.  Wrong type of development is the wrong place driven by developers rather than sound planning in best interest of village.
171Q22.  Pavements, street-lighting poor in some parts of the village.
171Hard surface play area, other than car park, is required for sport, skating, etc. Country style footpath (ie gravel) around recreation ground useful for access and recreation.
171Sometimes only one method of communication used.
171Planning driven by developers’ interests more than overall village interests as expressed in the Village Design Statement. Traffic and other infrastructure considerations for housing developments are considered in isolation from each other – ie little consideration of cumulative effect on village as a whole.
171Maintaining countryside between the village and Leigh Park is critical. Proposed reservoir should have low embankments and minimal loss of woodland.
171Renovation of existing pavilion preferred.
172Parish Hall desperately needs modernising.
172More people need to use the website forums!
172Bowes Hill – need I say more?
174Conveniently placed between town and country. Close to sea. Railway to London.
174Enforcement of speed limits.
174Miss the Post Office where it used to be.
176Rowlands Castle is a VILLAGE – let us keep it that way.  If that is the case the URBAN SPRAWL should be greatly curtailed.
177Retirement provision would enable elderly residents to say in the village and free more family houses.
178Traffic often speeds away from roundabout into Whichers Gate Road and past school entrance – speed ‘bumps’ and/or cameras needed. Car parking around village green can cause congestion and could lead to accidents.  One way system might help.
178What about Community Land Trust or similar to help to keep cost of housing within reach of lower-paid?
179Whilst we don’t currently partake in many village activities/clubs we do enjoy the “neighbourly” environment we live in. Our children are at school at Compton and Up Marden so the “access to schooling” question is not relevant.
179We support all “speed” control measures but would have to question how they would be “policed”.  No point having measures introduced if there are no penalties for not complying.
179Q17.  We have sourced ‘Nursery School’ and ‘Holiday play scheme’ outside of Rowlands Castle. Village playgroup not attended because it is only on a Tuesday and we work on Thursday.
179Public toilet – where? The state of the road in Woodberry Lane, and generally there seem to be lots of pot holes. Pavement between Rowlands Castle and Dean Lane End often difficult to pass because of overgrown hedges.
179Dogs on leads in Recreation Ground should be enforced and dog owners pick up dog mess.
179Our 2 main ‘concerns’ in the village are: Speeding traffic and dangerous parking – specifically outside the village stores – parking on the double yellow lines makes it difficult to get out of the Bowes Hill junction when people part outside the store.  Also, cars always seem to be parked on Redhill Road on double yellow lines at the junction with Castle Road – makes it very difficult to exit Castle Road safely. Dog mess everywhere!   We love walking in and around the village with out 2 young children, but we are increasingly frustrated by the amount of dog mess everywhere.  The Recreation Ground is full of it, as is the footpath from Finchdean Road into Stansted Park.  We would love something to be done about the problem so that we can walk around the village without the kids stepping in poo!
180The in-filling and housing estates de-value the Village as a VILLAGE, necessary no doubt in the 21st century but needs to be limited.
180Speeding drivers need to be warned/prosecuted.
180Is the Public Toilet behind the Robin Hood? Redhill Road – Too many drivers exceed 30mph.
180Fresh fruit and veg at the shop greatly appreciated.
18425mph speed limit.
184The issue of 78 Bowes Hill is a prime example where residents were not supported by EHDC in rejecting a toally unsuitable planning application.
184Fly tipping by uncaring individuals is the main cause of our concerns for the surrounding countryside.
184The Parish Council is working to support the village but is ineffective as has no apparent authority and tends to be completely overruled by Winchester or Petersfield.
185Parking very poor at Railway Station. Should be sharp bend warning sign on corner in Finchdean Road at entrance to Stansted.
185Smooth rounded curb stones required – current ones are tyre rippers! Perhaps green bins could be emptied weekly particularly in the summer.
185Road surfaces are poor and deteriorating. Patchwork repairing inappropriate, inadequate and very poor standard.  Whole surface relay, not patchwork is required and to a high standard.  Road through village and Woodberry Lane particularly poor. Great to have the Union Jack flying on special occasions.
186I have not lived in the village long enough to evaluate the situation.
187Railway Station important.
188Public toilet – where is it?
189More road signs.  There are none to say 30mph – should reduce it to 20mph.
189Something should be done about speeding – go too fast like a speed track.   I walk a lot in the village with my dog and the speed they go at frightens her also.  Should have more signs up or speed bumps.
190Access to trains
190Traffic calming in Castle Road, Redhill Road and the Green will stop a log of through traffic ie people not visiting the village but using Woodberry Lane as a ‘rat run’.
195Q12.  Public Parking – Position is aggravated by too many cars parking on south side of the Green all day, which clogs up that road.  Passing bays have helped traffic flow, but still much road rage seen and driving over the edge of green to get by when buses and lorries moving by. Main car park in Recreation Ground little used during daytime hours, only at weekends for sport events and some dog walkers, so more use of this car park could help, with better signage, and no all day parking allowed on south side of green.  North side used by house owners. A more regular police presence is a priority to monitor and control speed issues. Cameras and flashing signs would be cost prohibitive.  Additional traffic calming not likely as all roads are residential, although Manor Lodge Road could be considered.
195Q17.  Based on the number of babies and young children in village at present no need for additional nursery or playgroup, but over next 20 years that need may well change. St Johns surely provides excellent after school clubs and play schemes already.  But future needs may dictate more required. Adult education catered for well in Horndean and Havant.
195Roads – Too many heavily used roads suffer damage and are not repaired property or at all – unsafe for bike riders etc.  All need a proper surface applied in summer. Street lighting – Some roads have dangerous black spots and need extra columns, eg Castle Road (Redhill Road junction).  Full survey needs to be carried out, but where is budge to pay for any of this?
195It is vital for the survival of the village community that all current shops and businesses are fully supported and retained as they all provide the heart of the village and creates the centre around the Green.  So the conservation area and businesses need to be projected for the future.
195Q33.  Past experience shows that EHDC often take little or no notice of local public opinion and even chose to ignore such views, as government targets take priority.  Many people take the time to make their views known and in a true democracy the District plans should take such views into account.
195Much work has been done to produce this questionnaire as seen by the quality and content; and more work has to be completed to get to the final document.  It is to be hoped that it will be used by EHDC planners over the next 20 years and not left to gather dust, as the village is forced to change in line with government policy.  No being in the SDNP will leave it very vulnerable to unwanted growth by greedy developers to meet government targets.
197A good butchers shop would be so welcome.
198New lampposts around Green are a waste of money. There isn’t a public toilet, but pubs give access so present facilities are adequate.
198It was nice having a visiting butcher.
198Q30.  Word of mouth and church notice boards.
198Am concerned about budget control by Parish, District and County Councils.  Parish Council budget doubled in one year.
198Stansted Estate manages woodland very well including tree planting.
198Q39.  In the past a small business provided good employment , but the council refused planning permission for extension.
198The village has a pleasant country friendly atmosphere – we would like to keep it this way – and would not like to see an increase in the micro-management of the community. (One of us is particularly worried on the effect of increases in local taxation on the family budget.)
200Rowlands Castle is a ‘destination’ for walkers, runners and some cyclists who need to park their cars – we need to address this.
200Q18.  Fait accompli!! In the recent past, not enough emphasis has been put on building houses of quality and character.
200Q21.  Speeding in Redhill Road, particularly between Castle Road and the Green. Q22.  We would like to see a Visitor’s car park, either behind the Village Hall, perhaps with a new entrance off Redhill Road; or a cooperative effort with the Golf Club car park and the Village Hall; or a combination of these two ideas.  Then perhaps the lavatories in the Village Hall could somehow be opened to public use, with access from the newly created car park.  THE REQUIREMENT FOR MORE AND BETTER FACILITIES WILL NOT GO AWAY – INDEED IT WILL GROW.  We must step up to meeting these demands!
200Q27.  The Village Hall must be preserved – it is a building of quality and character.
200Bus shelter is the best source of information.
200Q33. Parish Council, while extremely diligent, do not have a great deal of power.  They should have more.  The French model of local government seems to work so much better than ours. Rowlands Castle should come under Havant UDC, not EHDC Petersfield.
200Q37.  Fly tipping is APPALLING, especially where the lanes cross over from Hants to W Sussex.  Why?  Because there is no waste facility for household DIY waste, or small builder/gardening waste; the nearest is Havant/Bedhampton.  This would be SO EASY and inexpensive to fix, with a skip.  This is another example of local government refusing to grasp an issue.
200We first moved to the village in 1974, which probably puts us amongst the oldest residents/inhabitants.  The changes we have seen are beyond description.  We have not touches on the size of the lorries using the Brickworks site.  We have never actually seen a written description of the situation regarding this site, so the residents (in our opinion) simply do not know what the options are (if any). Congratulations to the RCA over the years for at least trying to communicate and involve the community.  The RCA and the Parish Council should continue to insist on sustainable development, even if it means resisting national and county government in the law courts.
201It is very important that we keep the shops we have, especially the Post Office which is essential to the community.
201I think the Council do an excellent job litter picking along the roads.   It is such a shame that it needs to be done so often.
201The Parish Hall badly needs renovating.  It is tired.  Probably more use would be made of it.
202Would appreciate: safe cycle routes to Emsworth and Havant and Horndean. More adventurous use of the Village Hall.
202Although we do use our cars a lot, the train is also a popular family method of travel.
202We have used facilities such as the school and Scout Hut in the past.
202Mum and Dad generally inform me of on-coming dates and events.
203Vehicles come too fast through railway arch towards Green.  Exiting Bowes Hill is pretty blind.  Suggest calming before arch.
203Do not have bypass – faster roads encourage more vehicles.  Slow vehicles down on existing roads and they will find another route.  Keep road surfaces poor – slows traffic.
203Frequent parking on yellow lines outside Village store is a hazard.  Could we have camera for illegal parking leading to fines?  Provide parking away from Green for ramblers, eg allow to use pub car parks.
204Both lift share. Avoid street clutter. Parking does help reduce speed.
204Unable to say – County stats are a better way to understand housing needs?
204Q20.  Keep A&E at St Richards. Q22.  Low level street lighting appropriate – say no to more lights.
204Try to avoid bus stop being cluttered with adverts for services – it’s generally good and a good place to find local information.
204Hedgerows cut at right time for maximum benefit to wildlife. Plant more trees – only in appropriate places – actually probably enough locally but encourage  Forestry Commission to plant more broadleaves rather than conifers. Local landscape    assessment and visions for the areas, see Liss and Buriton parishes.
204Keep community facilities and improve them. Improve train stopping frequency at Rowlands Castle. Jazz and other performance on the Green. Encourage community events like carols on the Green.
204This questionnaire is too long and glossy. Well done for volunteering to be involved with the Parish Plan.
205Particularly dangerous corner on Finchdean Road now that the bollards have been erected.  People are driving faster round it now and there have been several accidents on the pavement.
205Bus stop shelter good for information.
205There seemed to be no consultation when the verge was fenced off outside Stansted Park up from the Castle pub.  Cars now park in even more dangerous places on the bend.
205Recreate the Castle.  (Will bring tourists to the area)
207Cars on pavements are a problem especially in Redhill Road.  With me often pushing a double buggy I am the one to walk on the road!!
207As a personal view, of course, no more houses.  But as my children would love to live in Rowlands, affordable houses for first time buyers or rental properties would obviously help.
207Lovely Recreation Ground. Shame on do owners who drive up to the Rec and don’t pick up after their dogs.  Ban dogs from Rec!
207Only cut hedges when needed and NOT bird nesting season. Verges to be cut end of summer to save wildflower seeds.
207This is such a lovely village.  I’m so happy to live here.  Well done to all the groups who keep the village what it is (RCA, Parish Council – All the voluntary groups.) My children are coming up to adults now and cannot afford to buy houses here (even though they have lived here all their lives as have I), so more low cost housing would be lovely. Less traffic through the village and at a slower pace. Wish list! – No more barking dogs for hours on end.
208Rowlands Castle is a ‘nice’ place to live.  The people are kind, and if one runs into trouble or have a problem there is always someone to help.
208No traffic calming, humps, or chicanes. Police MUST stop cars parking on pavements.  This is dangerous as people have to walk in the road. The Village Green needs more protection from LORRIES which damage the edges.
208I understand we will soon have a glass collection at our home.  This together with the 2 weekly waste and recycling collections, which are on time, will be all we shall need.  Rather than boxes a small wheely bin would be better as glass can be heavy.
208Since we have lived in Redhill Road a number of shops have closed.  It would be an advantage if more could be encouraged to open.
208RCA magazine must be delivered prior to and not after an event.  It is very interesting.
208Heavy lorry deliveries to Castle Stores create traffic problems and damage to the Green.  Their drivers ignore parking restriction- often cutting up and damaging the Green.
211Rebuild the Parish Hall.  Money is continually being ploughed into the existing building.  It would be cheaper to build a new hall in my opinion.
213Rowlands Castle village has managed to retain the character of a working community – as opposed to a commuter location.  It is vital that this environment is preserved and that it continues to represent a cross-section of society with affordable house, good public and social services.
213The volume of heavy traffic travelling at speeds in excess of the limits are having a detrimental effect on my property – it visibly shakes at times – I feel this will affect the value of the property in time.
213Although my daughter is now at University and no longer utilises primary education – I wish to note that the quality and standards she received whilst at school and nursery in the village were excellent.
213It is vital that housing for key workers is available – danger of lower paid workers being excluded from purchasing in the village.
213The new owner of the ‘Spar’ is making much needed improvements – appreciated!
214Can anything be done about people leaving bags of dog mess around Stansted and up in the woods (Bere Forest) and not in the dog bins?  I don’t think the Forestry Commission provides bins – but should they?
215The pavement in Woodberry Lane is very uneven and many kerbstones have sunk.  It is in need of renovation.  The “patching” of the road in Woodberry Lane was adequate where it was done but there are still a lot of holes etc.  The East Hants section compares very badly with the West Sussex stretch. Woodberry Lane really could do with a street light between Glendale and the West Sussex border.
215The wall on either side of the bridge/ford in Woodberry Lane appears to have become a target for vandals.  It is also in need of renovation between the footpath and the bridge.  The section between the footpath and the railway bridge was repointed very well in the autumn.
217We would welcome a more frequent bus service/train service, especially out of “rush hours”.
217Cars parked on roads provide adequate ‘traffic calming’.
217Youths, children and adults ride motorbikes in Havant Thicket, destroying the primary value of this area as an opportunity for locals to walk safely and in peace!
217The Post Office’s return (to the Hardware Store) is very welcome!
217PLEASE do provide more dog turd disposal boxes in the village and Thicket, and maybe a cleaning-up service since I can see that bending down is difficult for some elderly walkers.
217Police ‘surgery’ is great;  what about having an occasional one in the evening so that people who are at work during the day can also take advantage of this?
218Would be nice to have more parking (free and unrestricted time) outside of entrance to Stansted Estate and gravel the are (very muddy at the moment.  So many people enjoy walking through the grounds and/or along to garden centre and tea rooms.  Long may it stay beautiful and unspoilt area. Speed warnings on approaches to school and the start of village green.
218Garden waste should be removed free of charge (considering high cost of Council Tax).
219The weight restriction on Whichers Gate Road is ignored daily.  The signs are very badly sited – vehicles are on the road before their drivers will see the signs.
219I have assumed that the car park at the Recreation Ground is included in Q26.
220One-way system around the Green. Change of priorities by the railway bridge to improve safety.
220The annual Christmas Tree on the Green has looked very sorry for itself over the past few years and does nothing to add to the festivities.  So either spend the money on a charitable donation or spend a little more to get something worthy of the village.  The tree in Horndean has regularly made ours look sick.
221Regular sweeping of road sides, to eliminate debris, pine needles, so avoiding less flooding by keeping road drains clear.
222Unaware of any Public Toilet at the moment.
222Great improvement in the range of goods available at Castle Stores with new owners.
222Bus shelter notices very well placed and well used.
222New Pavilion – depends on village use and protection from vandalism. Public Toilets – Unfortunately would be likely to attract vandalism and cost Parish Council a lot of expense, so would need to be in existing premises.  Would be an asset for many walkers in the area if a suitable position could be found.  Very careful consideration to position needed.
222A very big thank you to all those who give their time and energy to village projects and to keeping our village a very good place to live.
223Being mobility challenged I find the pavements very difficult to walk on, and when on a mobility scooter some places are terrifying.
224Make main square a one way system or stop parking near bus shelter and along that road.
225The surgery Train Station Location: Towns – A3M – the sea Post Office and stores
225There are far more heavy lorries using Rowlands Castle roads now, and they increase danger and damage access road verges – Woodberry Lane particularly.
225After school clubs for teenagers.
225There are a lot of large family homes in the village, but very few roomy, smaller houses, for those wishing to leave large gardens and a substantial house, to move into near the village centre.
225Cars, owned by youths, park at the end of The Fairway (Rowlands House wall), have fun, but often leave bottles, cans, cups, wrappings and other rubbish.  They have been asked to take their rubbish with them, but they seldom do so. Q21.  Cars on the Green and Litter. The Village Green – little respect is shown to the grass by some drivers. We compost and recycle everything we possibly can.
225We are extremely lucky to be able to obtain the essentials in this village.
225It was difficult to imagine that the EHDC/Penns Place team provided any effective support to the large body of village opinion who opposed the development of the inappropriate development of flats at the Wellsworth Lane/Bowes Hill junction.
225Car sharing has its difficulties. Village awareness of global warming.  Solar panels on all new houses. Energy/conservation. Water
225To be a balanced community:  caring of other and with good values. New Public Toilets needed – bit likely to be abused.
225All too few of the young and middle-aged members of the community are giving their time to helping organising beneficial services within this community. Thank you RCA committee for initiating this very comprehensive questionnaire.  I hope you get a commensurate response.
226We love our village except the volume and speed of traffic concerns us deeply.  We’d consider moving if there is no improvement. All vital:  Reduction of speed limit, Speed cameras or warnings;  Lorry weight restrictions.
226A Nursery School would enhance the village.
226The village cannot cope with a further increase in housing.  We do not have the infrastructure, ie road, medical, schooling, volume of traffic.
226The pavements on Redhill Road are not wide enough with the speed of the articulated lorries and general speed of villagers.  I have had to go into people’s drives as we have a 16 month old in a buggy and the lorries mount the pavement.
226Planning applications are of grave concern – we do not have the capacity or infrastructure, and we would like to remain a village.
226We feel the village is being destroyed by the volume, type and speed of traffic.  We feel this situation for us is the most important area that needs addressing and rectifying. Otherwise we love our village, and it saddens us that it has become almost out of control.  Please, Please rectify this.  Stop the lorries, reduce speed limits and obtain speed cameras.
228There have been a number of fatal accidents along Whichers Gate Road in the last 20 years.  I recommend reducing the speed limit to 30mph at least down to Prospect Lane and to 40mph down to Bartons Road.
229The existence of a Railway Station in a village – very rare! The most attractive countryside to the east of Rowlands Castle.
229The hazardous nature of permanent vehicle parking along Redhill Road towards Whichers Gate and adjacent to Castle House opposite the Green.  Also and particularly the Railway Station approach.
229Probably a mixture of most of the above (except executive homes) would be best, but the village is a bit ‘top heavy’ with large houses.
229I look forward to the glass collection being started.
229Recent improvement in the range of foodstuffs at Castle Stores. Hardware stores excellent. Butcher/fishmonger would be nice.
229Access to footpaths is very good in Rowlands Castle, but vigilance is need to make sure no rights of way are lost.
230Although access to schooling is no more applicable it was an important factor when moving to the village 30 years ago.
230More signs,  speed cameras and traffic calming totally UNNECESSARY. I strongly object to any more visual pollution, ie road signs of any description.  They are aesthetically objectionable.
230I think that change is inevitable but should be kept to a minimum and be a combination of all the above.  Restrict ‘infilling’ on larger plots. All housing should be kept acceptable and appropriate to the surrounding existing properties.
230Although I’m sure the Parish Councillors are aware of local opinion I’m convince it will always be ignored by government.
230It is important to get the balance right between respecting wildlife and stopping the landscape becoming too ‘scruffy’.
231Parking by Castle Stores is dangerous and needs regular policing.
233While I haven’t recognised traffic as a problem, I support traffic calming in built up areas generally.
233Better advertising locally of local provisions?
233I do not have enough information on local housing provision and demand to answer this question.
233Fortnightly rubbish collection is too infrequent.  Fortnightly recycling works well although local glass recycling or collection would be good. Agree with above, also think ‘green waste’ collection would be useful too.
233Could really do with a general chemist and a ‘deli/farm shop’ selling a wider range of produce including meat, fish, veg.
233We have only lived in the village for 5 months so are yet to form an opinion on these questions.
233More information available on local walks/paths to villagers.
233In 5 months of residency very impressed by the community spirit.  Main improvement would be the opportunity to purchase fresh local produce.
234We had our dog killed on Bowes Hill by a car.  When I tried to get traffic calming, I was told by the police that it was not necessary as there had never been an accident to people on Bowes Hill. Rowlands Castle is way behind in traffic calming measures (Bowes Hill in particular).
234New homes should be not too crowded on the plots and built to good standard ie not what was foisted on us as 78 Bowes Hill.
234Where is Public Toilet? Collection of green waste bags from houses should be stopped – the leaves and grass people put in should make garden compost – wasting petrol, time and money which we pay for in rates. I resent paying Council Tax for householders with gardens to have their grass mowings, leaves, etc taken away.  Alternatively these people using this service should pay an extra fee.
234We urgently need restoration of morning newspaper delivery.  For those people some distance from The Green, the lack of a newspaper for breakfast represents a drop in the standard of living!
23478 Bowes Hill planned block of flats was a disgrace – local people were against it – but orders from the present government over-ruled the Parish Council and EHDC.
234More care of footpaths needed;  the footpath across the field from Finchdean has been narrowed by over-ploughing to a width of less than one metre in places.
234Thank you for undertaking this questionnaire – good questions.
235As a regular parish walker the majority of speeding vehicles are “locals” following by visiting tradesmen (white vans) and lorries.
235Wider range of shopping outlets.
235If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!  Focus on the core priorities of access and quality eg reduce volume, size and speed of traffic egress and access.
236Less expensive large family homes needed.
236Where is the Public Toilet? Understand glass collection to be started soon. In summer the fortnightly household waste is not suitable for large families.
236Posts for (free) tennis/badminton nets would be good – also Netball stand.
236Double yellow line needed on corner of Redhill Road and west end of Green.  Also on corner of Links Lane by Golf Club building – Northbound traffic often cuts corners, forcing downward traffic into hedge.  Realise this is not a Parish concern but needs to be addressed.
237Signs to ensure traffic kept within 30mph.
237Have we Public Toilets in the village?
238Great coffee shop and other shops/ GP surgery.
238More regular collection – every 2 weeks is too long.  Collection of recycle – possibly could recycle more if given the option.
241I have lived in Rowlands Castle for 16 years and, apart from repairs and renewals, the village should remain the same.
242I have lived in the village for 46 years. Before I retired the access to work was important and easy by car. Before that the railway gave access for my children to attend school in Portsmouth.
242Turning from Redhill Road, top of Green (by the church) waiting for an accident to happen. More controls needed at village centre.
242We should aim at making it possible for the children of the village to buy their first home here if they want to.
242Pavement in Woodberry Lane – awful
242This is difficult and relates to persons. Unconvinced at performance of new people in main shop.  Quality of bread is now inferior. Hardware excellent. PO – I’m satisfied with new service and location. I use my car to do main shopping elsewhere.
242I do not know the state of the sports pavilion.  We should try to maintain a pavilion in good condition.
242I should use the website!
242I believe they do their best, and that is good.  However it would be a miracle to solve the parking problems.
242There are some improved footpaths especially in Stansted who have done a lot to be user friendly.  (Of course they don’t have shoots there now!)
242New pavilion if needed. Parking is an increasing problem: The Green and Redhill Road in particular and no one has solved it.
242There are many caring and hard working for the village people – thank you to everyone.
243Traffic calming but no sleeping policemen!
244Need greater efforts to reduce dogs fouling footpaths.
245I would love to have more shops/amenities around the village green to make it more of a community with less need to drive into local towns.
245Have no current knowledge of facilities for children.
245Would love to have greater range of shops around Green.
245I fail to understand how the council allowed development in the so-called strategic gap between Havant and Rowlands Castle along Durrants Road. The resistance by the examiner to the proposed development of flats on the corner of Wellsworth Lane and Bowes Hill was very disappointing.
245Some hedgerows are being destroyed by inappropriate cutting.
245Develop more as a working community but not work that involves increase in lorry traffic.
247Fortnightly collection of household refuse may not be sufficient for large families or in periods of high temperatures.  It is only just adequate not satisfactory.
247Castle Stores very convenient for newspapers and convenience requirements. Rowlands Castle Hardware outstandingly good. Lacks a good butcher. A chemist shop is also lacking and would be a great asset.
247Children’s playground of reasonable quality but limited range of facilities for young children. No roller blade facilities or skate board.
247Parish Council decisions seem often to be disregarded by EHDC Planning Committee or its official.
248Single carriageway around the Green would help.
248Don’t know on Q17.  Where is the evidence of actual demand and willingness to pay?
248Housing appropriate for older people needing to ‘downsize’ but remain in Rowlands Castle near to friends etc.
248Some pavement and gutter maintenance and clearing is very poor – leaves washed down blocking drains etc. Uneven pavements and bushes/trees allowed to overhang pathways – reminder to residents of their responsibilities to others!
248Loss of separate Post Office is a disadvantage.
248Keep out through traffic. Restrict large vehicles for deliveries.
248The refurbishment of the Parish Hall is an important requirement for village activities for all ages in the community.  It is an asset which must not be allowed to deteriorate further.
250I find the community somewhat split: the elderly, the old villagers, the housing estates, the young and ambitious professionals with money, the elderly with money.
250The intersection at the bottom of Bowes Hill is dangerous and really needs a traffic light.  There is a blind spot at the railway bridge.
250Young pre-school children are well served. It would be nice to see this extended somehow.
250I think it would be a good idea to bring more key workers in to bridge the gap between the different parts of the population and take the emphasis away from the expense of the Real Estate affordable only to the rich.  Also more starter homes and social housing.
250There are too many cars parked around the Green.  It should be a one way system with a parking lot.  As it is it is dangerous and reduces the quality of village life.
250We miss the old Post Office. A cash dispenser in the village would be nice as would a public toilet. We are lucky to have the café, shops and restaurants. A Pay Point in the village would be useful.
250It would be nice to see more organised sport for girls using the Recreation Ground. Sometimes there is dog poo everywhere on the Recreation Ground.
250The Rowlands Castle magazine is very good in my view to keep the community together and informed.
250I find the board in front of St Johns Church offensive.  It looks like an advertising billboard.  We live in a multi-cultural society.  I believe it is wrong to advertise one’s beliefs so blatantly and impose them on passers by.  It is in poor taste.  This is irrespective of the beliefs on offer.  Discretion please.
250I think it is shocking the way people take their dogs to Stansted to run and relieve their bowels.  I never go there anymore. It is too littered with dog droppings.  It is not enjoyable to walk looking down at one’s fee all the time.
250I think the heavy traffic around the village green ruins the quality of the place.  It is also dangerous.  I have had several near collisions with elderly drivers who pull out without signalling, or lorries that simply don’t care.  A bypass would improve the Green immeasurably.
250Rowlands Castle is a wonderful spot. My priorities are as follows: Reduce traffic around the Green and eliminate by getting rid of the parking spaces and remove parked cars to a parking lot. Clean up after dogs in Stansted Park and at Recreation Ground. Traffic light at bottom of Bowes Hill. More homes for key workers and more less expensive starter homes and social housing so that it is not just a village for the rich and/or elderly. Get rid of billboard in front of St Johns Church.
251Don’t know.  My children go to another school.
251I live on Redhill Road which is lovely and close to the centre of the village.  However heavy goods vehicles going to Keyline and cars speeding are a problem.
252The school was an important part of our decision to move here.
252In East Wittering a large skip (lorry size) is parked in one of the car parks for a day.  Very useful.
252I think the actual play area could be made bigger.
252Word of mouth.
252The railway station should be improved before a village museum is thought about.
253The village is a great place to live and bring up a family.  Don’t let it be spoilt!  Please.
254I have only lived in the village for a few months, hence N/A on some answers.
255Much work needed to improve pavements around the village, also cutting back hedgerows overlapping pavements – forcing pedestrians into the road.
256The village is in a prime position from the point of view of access to countryside, transport links by rail and road, and local offices and factories.  In my working life its position was/is ideal.
256Transport difficulties – traffic congestion on the Green.
25620mph limit Pinch points in Bowes Hill More speed limit signs in Bowes Hill/Redhill Road
256Infrastructure/roads/congestion prevent further development. Proper planning needs to be imposed.  Poor in-filling and planning to be redressed. Design Statement for village needs to be rigorously applied.
256These are of minor importance as crime in the village is not significant. Too far to nearest dump. We would pay more to have all our waste removed. EHDC collection programme is adequate. Recycling % needs to be increased.
256We do not use the public houses in the village due to indifferent food offering, poor hospitality and loud music.  Greater acceptability in these areas would increase our visits greatly.
256The village needs an outdoor bowls green.
256Fly posting needs to be better controlled.  There is too much and it is indiscriminately placed and often of poor quality.
256Hedgerows need to be more regularly trimmed on local roads. Grass verges on local roads need more regular cutting.
256Unsure of meaning of bypass traffic. Resolving the traffic congestion problem in the village is a priority.
257I would suggest the Village Hall is given a good clean up.  Needs moss clearing from roof and leaves removed from front.  Also woodwork needs painting.
258We need Public Toilets in the Recreation Ground.
258More advance notice of events.
259No parking around the bend by the church.  Gridlock sometimes by the hairdresser.
260Maintaining a rural environment.
260Speeding will only totally reduce if law enforced.
260Bring back council houses using the money the government took from Thatcher’s sale.
260Where is the Public Toilet? Waste disposal facilities – yes, if you own a car.
260As the population increases more recreational facilities will be needed (eg earmark an expansion area within boundary).
260Local and Council plans are being overridden by government and assembly quangoes!!
260Car parking increased (not round Green or Recreation Ground)
260Reservoir area should not be sold/given to Water Company but rented to them.  ie Facility should be “owned” by community.
260It is no good putting up notices (eg no parking, parking for 2 hours only) and painting yellow lines if there is no police presence to enforce them!  A daily visit should be the minimum and by bike or foot.
261The major concern is the growth in traffic in the 14 years we have lived here, and the speed with which motorists drive through the village, especially down Bowes Hill where they rarely stick to the speed limit.
263Q21.  Drugs.
267I think Rowlands Castle is an excellent place to live.  The only downside is the increase in traffic and inadequate parking leading to congestion in the village centre.
268We must improve parking in the village.  Roadside parking is very dangerous and unacceptable on our village roads.
268Expand car park opposite the Castle pub.  If necessary purchase land from Stansted Park.
269Should keep transportation to secondary school in Horndean.
269Need bike paths/right of ways on Havant Road and others – biking to Horndean is frightening for bikers and motorists!
269A village museum would be a wonderful addition to a place as steeped in modern history as Rowlands Castle.
269We are concerned by the number of accidents we’ve witnessed at the corner nearest the Church on the Green.  We think it would be worthwhile to either rethink the advisability of parking on that end of the Green, or consider a one-way scheme around the Green to make the traffic flow safer.  Either would have a low cost to the village in terms of signage or construction.  Widening the road (shrinking the Green) would be another option.
271Weight restriction on Whichers Gate Road is very frequently ignored. Very important issues could arise if government plans to encourage motorists onto smaller roads materialise.
271I would like to downsize.
271Q21.  All concern me, but I encounter none of them (except burglary) – to date that is.
271Litter picking – individuals prepared to volunteer a section of their street?  I would be willing. A difficult problem I know, but a “tranquil” walk can well be shattered by motorbike noise, and a footpath made almost unwalkable by tyre grooves. Q37.  For worse, simply because it is much more widely used, therefore much more trodden down.  But I am glad for more people to enjoy it as I do.
271A subject previously discussed and turned down, but what about a one way system around the Green.
271Simply “Thank you” to all the folk who give their time freely towards the care and running of our village – and that includes the person processing this survey. Also, I don’t know who designed the cover of the RCA, but please say “thank you” –both picture and quotation were much appreciated.
272There is only one train an hour stopping at Rowlands Castle in the evenings (from Portsmouth).  Two an hour would be much better- for getting home from work.
273A one-way system around the Green would help.
273Crime:  Aggressive door to door sellers are frequent in the village. Lots of litter in hedges and verges.
273It would be excellent if a skate-park was created in the village as a place where the younger community could use.
273Bring back the monthly magazine!!
273Children get told off if they cycle in the forest, but the roads are too dangerous.  Designated cycle paths off road would be great.
273A skate-park to be created in the village like the new one in Emsworth park for instance.
273A skate-park to be created in the village to give a place for the younger people to hang out.  Take the one in Emsworth for instance.
275Many children in the Parish do not attend St John’s Primary but choose private or West Sussex schools.
275Medium family homes needed as the jump from a 3 bedroom house to a 4 bedroom house is too high, especially with Stamp Duty added.  Many families have to move out of the village in order to move up the property ladder.
275Street lighting is very poor – but should be considerate about unnecessary light pollution.
275Reduced lorries in the village.
276Where is the Public Toilet?
277The Railway Station provides important transport that helps make Rowlands Castle a very good place to live.
277Speeding warnings in the form of cameras with ‘Slow Down’ and a reminder of the speed limit are preferred to ordinary speed cameras.
277Additional youth facilities are considered important – the new youth club is a good facility.
277The village of Rowlands Castle is not suitable for further large development but in-filling in keeping with local character has been effective.  Brown field sites (not back gardens) could be used,
277EHDC is a leader in recycling.
277The former Post Office should be used for further retail services/facilities in Rowlands Castle if possible.
277Although local opinion is considered, the planning system is often able to overrule the local views.
277Priority should be given to a new pavilion.
277The opportunity to participate in this survey is much appreciated. Preservation of the character of Rowlands Castle, and enhancement where possible, should be the top priority. Traffic issues (quantity, speeding, safety) are currently of major concern.
279Find being able to use village shops very difficult.  Often drive right through and not able to park anywhere. Lack of Public Toilets a great disadvantage.
280Roundabouts at Harvester are dangerous with a poor line of vision when exiting Redhill Road.  Parking should be restricted in the area of the Church on the Green and the Hairdresser.
280The speed restriction for Whichers Gate Road is a high priority – plus enforcement of HGV’s which ignore the weight restriction on a regular basis. The twin roundabouts at the Harvester are not ideal – poor vision north on B2149 exiting Redhill Road – and cars and vans which cut the corner turning into Whichers Gate Road.  This is caused by poor road design.
281The environment of the village is largely determined by its residents. Developments should encourage a social population, projects which might encourage or condone ant-social behaviour should be opposed.
281No speed calming, No speed cameras;  Yes to warnings. For pedestrian safety – lorry weight restrictions very important.
281We are not opposed to the items not selected but have little up to date knowledge of the requirements. (Only ticked Adult education)
281The present mix is about right.  Any additional houses would result in an expansion of the village which is not desirable for existing residents.
281Our roads are unsuited for 40 ton lorries, which destroy the foundations, produce breaks in the tarmac and damage to the grass verges.  Regularly, these monsters pass within a foot or so of pedestrians, including children. A weight restriction is essential.
281It is not possible for the local shops to provide the variety and volume demanded by a population of 2-4,000 people.  It can be assumed that the bulk of our purchases are made outside the village.  Local shops provide convenience – and an important social role.
281It would help to improve the pavilion. More significantly, it would help if children were taught to use these facilities responsibly.
281The village notice boards are valuable sources of information.  They should be kept up-to-date.
281I am particularly concerned that the South East Area Authority exists, that it receives instructions directly from the ODPM – it does not distribute its information, it is too powerful AND UNELECTED.
281Reduce Heavy goods vehicles. The gap between the village and Havant town needs to be more firmly established.
281Ownership of land around the village is the only means of controlling new developments on that land.
281I am aware that the previous village plan was quoted by those who sought Planning Approvals contrary to the wishes of local residents.  The authors of the new plan should be mindful of this and ensure that every statement is simply stated and free of ambiguity.
282We are losing some of the community spirit within village life.
282Where is the Public Toilet?
282It is disheartening when plans go to appeal that local opinion is completely ignored.
282Employment would need to be sympathetic with the environment. There should be no need for litter pickers.  What happened to people taking their litter home, or putting in the bins provided. If when the hedgerows and verges were cut the spoils were collected instead of blowing around and blocking up the drains, this would improve things.
283Small houses for more elderly people who wish to downsize and so stay in the village, an obvious priority!
283Improved street lighting would go some way to reducing vandalism, making walking and driving around easier, etc.
283It is evident more and more people come to the village to use the walking and cycling facilities in the surrounding countryside.  This benefits local shops, cafés, pubs!
283Demolish the existing “clapped out” Parish Hall, and build a new hall on the Recreation Ground incorporating a new pavilion.  Dual use of existing car park for Parish Hall and playing facilities.  Should be considerable money for the existing site.  On the former site of the hall build sheltered housing or retirement homes so people can downsize and free up existing “large houses” for families.
285Ironmonger excellent. One good shop: grocer
285Public Toilets:  Are there any?  I’ve been asked by others.
286Keeping it protected as a “village” and not to have it expanded and merging into the next like so many areas.
286Zigzag calming system – giving was (Bowes Hill)
286Could have more variety of activities and learning.
286Any more housing and we will lose the village – it won’t be one, just a sprawl of housing merging into other areas.
286The verges are in need of edging up – we have done our own and recovered about 18” of extra path!  Uplands Road near bus stop is starting to cover most of the pavement and needs urgent attention!
286A good fresh fruit and veg shop would be good! A small chemist and health shop.
286I feel that groups need to be more welcoming with newcomers trying to become involved and proactive, ie summer fete, etc.
286Volunteers groups organised – we’ll do it ourselves for litter etc in the Parish. Some Stansted areas are covered in dog excreta and plastic bags (containing it)  –  also beer/lager cans etc. Stronger measures need to be in place for offenders. Improve path entrance to Stansted via Finchdean Road entrance. Planting tress, shrubs for wildlife in greed circular are (eg top of Uplands Road)
286More wildlife projects – for bats and other wildlife. A community hall! More dog control in areas that are covered in fowling – more measures for owners to clean up! Volunteer groups and village participation.
286Light pollution ie new houses have outside lights which are more than necessary Also security light that at times in constantly on which lights up most of the adjacent field (nr Scout Hut) Community Centre for all – eg Village Christmas Dance  Indoor boot sales – fundraising. More social activities and learning – maybe attached to pavilion? Community police to be more involved with making themselves known. Village Stores not turned into a “one shop” – open all hours shop, to avoid litter, noise and criminal activity in area.
287It is economical for 2 people to use the car but we fairly frequently use the railway.  The main line railway station is a real asset to the village. The provision for car parking in the village is, on the whole, satisfactory although an extra influx of walkers driving to the village at weekends can cause problems.
287Arguably the village’s character would be altered adversely by any further large development, although some in-fill could be appropriate on a small scale in scattered locations.   But if we have more houses forced on us, then small family homes would introduce a good mix of younger people into the village.  We do not need “executive mansions” for higher wage earners or 2 retired adults in 5 bed houses.
287It would be good to have a greengrocer selling locally grown produce.   Perhaps the village stores could be expanded to include this.
287As regards Q33, the 78 Bowes Hill enquiry is a case in point.  Unlike the Inspector who considered the various potential housing sites around the village, the Bowes Hill Inspector seemed to ignore the weight of local opposition completely.
287The Parish Hall could probably do with some refurbishment but it would be a shame to make so many internal changes that its rustic charm was removed.
288Finchdean is a wonderful, rural community in an area of outstanding natural beauty.  However there are flooding issues which public authorities to date have failed to address.  The Environment Agency may improve things.
288Finchdean has no speed limits – a 30mph limit is needed through the village.
288A replacement in the same spirit as the Village Design Statement is called for.
288Ashcroft Lane surfacing is a real problem in Finchdean.  The unadopted status of the road represents a real problem for residents. The village green in Finchdean (we do have one as well!) needs more frequent cutting.
288A full range of shops/pubs/restaurants are so important to the village.  The new owner of Castle Stores is showing good enterprise. The village needs a heart – this is key to a sense of community.
288Be careful about spending on duplicate facilities (eg 2 Parish Halls)
288Finchdean has 2 pressing problems – flooding and the road surface in Ashcroft Lane.  In general the Parish Council barely acknowledges Finchdean’s existence let alone listen to its concerns – let alone does anything about them. Finchdean is a great rural community.
288Do not manicure the countryside – this is a rural environment and we strongly feel it should remain as such.  So we oppose street lighting for example.
288Key here is enhancing the sense of a rural community and asking young people what is important to them.  We should be looking to what is needed over say the next 20 years.
288We need to preserve the quiet, rural environment epitomised by Finchdean. The Parish Council should pay more attention to all the areas it represents. Also promote the railway service – a unique facility for such a village community. Also nurture and encourage local businesses. Finally encourage an environment which makes participation by more people (especially from business) in local organisations.
289Have no parking at west end of the Green between Redhill Road and Links Lane.
289No further homes needed apart from ‘infill’, although the infrastructure of the village must be able to support this.
289Those that are available are good.
289If we want to attract visitors to the village more parking facilities are required. Local businesses should provide parking for their employees rather than have them using residential parking.
290The railway service is a real bonus and 40 years ago was a priority reason for living in Rowlands Castle – that opinion still stands.
290No traffic calming please. No one-way around the Green.
290Infill only – do not spread further out of the village.
290There are too many notices abounding the village and especially on the Green. In particular the “dog fouling” notice has given people the idea of exercising dogs on the Green – all is well if the mess is cleared up.  It is not possible to completely ‘clear up’ dog mess. The proliferation of notices despoils the atmosphere of the Green.
290It would be a bonus to have a new pavilion on the Recreation Ground with a caretaker.  How about floodlighting the tennis courts?
290I miss the church magazine as a monthly edition provided up-to-date information.
290The new church centre of St Johns is a great asset as will be the expansion of the United Reform Church on the Green.
290There are too many and unnecessary signs particularly on the Green which despoil the village atmosphere. The village green bus shelter, although improved, still needs “keeping in order” – more visible police patrolling at critical times would help the situation.
291Is there a Public Toilet?
291I am very disgusted that many people don’t clear up their dog mess.  This is particularly bad in Stansted especially at the entrance footpaths and is also a problem on the village Recreation Ground and even some footpaths in the village.
292Not able to answer Q17 because I do not know the current position on several of the specifics raised.
292Household waste needs collecting more frequently in summer months.
292Q29.  Used by grandchild!
292‘Local’ I have taken to mean ‘Parish’ (not District).
292Q37.  No significant change.  Gap between Rowlands Castle and Havant must be maintained as open space.
293With an increase in tourism traffic following from National Park status, Public Toilets will become essential.   Parking on roads, by visitors, may be the final straw in the awkward traffic activity found along the Green.
293Playground subject to vandalism by older children.
293Street parking in Redhill an additional hazard created by lorries etc proceeding to Keyline.
297Speed limit reductions/warnings needed along Manor Lodge Road, Whichers Gate Road and Redhill Road and Castle Road.  More frequent trains to Petersfield/Portsmouth.
297Do not allow over-crowding and building of houses on sites which currently only have one house.
297Dog waste bin required in the Thicket car park. Also bin for general rubbish dropped by people walking/picnicking.
297A local ‘farm’ shop would be of great benefit to the village – similar to Southbourne farm shop.
297Details of how to use tennis courts should be made more available.
297Public Toilets required at Recreation Ground. Have fewer parking spaces around the Green.
298The shops we have are very good.
299Double yellow lines would be more enforceable than most of the items listed and would constitute self help as opposed to relying on others alone!
299A mixture of housing would promote a more balanced community so all options should be considered in appropriate locations.  Land values and maximising profit will of course dictate most development anyway.
299Acceptance of glass and ALL plastics would enable greater recycling levels.  Uncertainty results in greater landfill. Need Public Toilets in Recreation Ground.
299Difficult to expect more in a village of size of Rowlands Castle.  Might attract individual “special interest” shops if the right entrepreneur spots the potential however.
299Placing high regard on any INCLUSIVE sports facilities I would welcome most initiatives. How about a jogging/fitness trail around the village using the Recreation Ground, Stansted and other areas.  Saw great example in Interlaken (Switzerland). Public Toilets in Recreation Ground would be a plus.
299Have a perception that a feeling of “all development must be opposed” exists within the area.  Would suggest that some well planned and considered development is actually helpful to enhance the area and prevent stagnation and a closed community developing.
299Works to improve the environment will lead to more visitors/cars etc that will increase areas already of concern so parking/transport will need to be considered in tandem!
299Running/Fitness trail – could be combined with the footpath network and enhance what we already have. Museum, toilets and land acquisition should be with specific purpose in mind as ill judged projects could add to the already large number of demands for finance in the area!
299Finchdean, although an idyllic spot, has little or no sense of community.  With the pub not really being a village focus there is little likelihood of this changing.  It therefore needs to be raised in profile within Rowlands Castle and some appropriate plans should extend beyond the main centre of attention.  Paths/access is the obvious one with improved links via White Hill and Stansted fairly easy to achieve. Many traffic issues (Redhill Road and Woodberry Lane) could be addressed by parking measures that than more heavy handed approaches.  Traffic calming may supplement this but is unlikely to work alone (without many downsides).  Other measures are not likely to address the problem.
300We feel the speed limit on Treadwheel Road is too high due to the number of houses, the danger of wildlife and the regular use by horses and cyclists.  It is currently very dangerous due to the excessive speed of drivers.  A few warning signs, ie horse riders, deer, would also be beneficial in reminding drivers of the risks.
300In the summer when the weather is warm a collection of waste every two weeks is not enough.  It would be beneficial if on occasions they could take items that are too large to fit into the bin ie a large cardboard box (don’t mean furniture) or a disused washing line, it saves everyone going to the tip – in Emsworth there was never a problem.
300The hardware store is a great asset to the village. A good quality butcher would be good.
300Very surprised and disappointed that a house on Bowes Hill was allowed to be demolished to be replaced with flats.  This is an exclusive family home road.  Flats are totally inappropriate housing in such a location.  We should maintain consistency and standard to control the desirability of Rowlands Castle – there is an appropriate place for everything.  The builder should also be penalised for the state he has left the site in for so long.
300Trimming of hedgerows is very important on the country roads so visibility is not restricted and the width of the road is not narrowed.  Once a year is often not enough.
300We raised our concerns about the danger of speeding traffic on Treadwheel Road.  We initially received favourable support from the Council who thought lowering the speed limit would be sensible along with some signs alerting to horse riders, cyclist and deer.  However we were eventually totally let down by the Parish Council.  This was especially disappointing when as a country we are trying to encourage people to use the countryside and to cycle more, but we are unwilling to do anything to make if safe.  When you leave Rowlands Castle there is a sign thanking you for driving carefully.  This is like a green light to accelerate.  What about signs asking people to drive safely through Idsworth?  Idsworth is a part of Rowlands Castle and should be treated as such.  After all we pay our Council Tax too! Overall we think Rowlands Castle/Idsworth is a fantastic place to live.
301Speeding within the centre of the village is the norm rather than the exception and needs to be stopped.  This is dangerous and very noisy.
301There are many elderly residents who would welcome a range of courses.  Currently we have to travel out of the village to participate in these activities which is difficult if courses are held at night as buses cease at 6pm and trains are one an hour.
303Noise, light pollution and bonfires concern us. Insufficient provision for dog poo bins.  Unhygienic design difficult to use and often situated in long grass.  They need to be emptied more often.
303The Recreation Ground is used for football when very wet – creating slippery mud that is difficult to avoid and dangerous for other users
303Maintain the existing footpaths as some are impassable. Remove unnecessary signs and those out of scale and character. All these built projects = suburbia and erode the village.
303Less is more.  If it’s not broke, don’t mend it! The character of the village has been spoiled by most “improvements” during the last few years.
304Parked vehicles on the road south of the Green present both hazard and chaos due to no ‘line of sight’ when approaching from either end.  Space is available for safer parking.
304Although there is a need for affordable housing, blocks of flats are not appropriate for a village. Strongly object to possible building of flats in village.
304Very poor pavements in parts of the village (cracking and potholes)
304Could do with a better sports pavilion and toilet facilities.
306Village environment and access to countryside and community all about equal. The most important thing really is that I grew up here and my family lives here.
306Reduction of speed limit in residential roads not through roads.  Speed limit control not reduction needed on through roads. Parking for residents of the Green is needed. Parking for Railway Station is needed. Trains and buses are too infrequent.
306Charging for recycling garden waste and to but a recycling bin when you move here encourages people to  dump, burn and not recycle.
306I would welcome a wider variety of shops – they have all been converted into houses and the café.
306Some things are not well enough publicised. RCA notice board could hold more and up-to-date notices.
306EHDC override local opinion.
306Hedges on private properties often obstruct paths and do need more trimming but field hedgerows are all fine.
306I don’t know anything about the proposal of a bypass road – I would love to see the proposals before I had an opinion.
306Rowlands Castle is an attractive place to live but lacks community.  Community activities are dominated by retired people.  Needs more activities for single and younger people.  Needs more opportunities for involvement.  It is too much of a commuter/dormitory village.  Not sure how you change this though!  Maybe we need a “Linda Snell”.
310No special cameras. Speeding warning lights may help
310Waste disposal facilities do not take all recycling e.g. yogurt pots, plastic containers

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